Index |
Issue XVII, i - Spring/Printemps 1996
- Issue XVII, ii - Fall/Automne 1996
Special issue - Augustinus P. Dierick and
Basil Kingstone (eds.),
Voorwaarts/Forward. An Anthology of Writing from
the Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies.
On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the
Canadian Association for the Advancement of
Netherlandic Studies (1971-1996).
/AVANT-PROPOS, page vii
I History
BEJCZY - Willibrord and the "tree fall": a
historiographical myth of the origins of Dutch
civilization, page 1
WAKEFIELD - The Beguines sisters, page 7
LOUISE VANHEE-NELSON - La République des
Provinces-unies vue par les voyageurs étrangers du
XVIIe siècle, page 13
R.G. HAYCOCK - Prince Maurice
(1567-1625) and the Dutch contribution to the art of
war, page 22
PETER DE KLERK - What possessed them? Leadership
credibility of the Dutch immigration into Colorado
in 1892-93, page 35
II Philosophy
RALPH NELSON - Portrait of the sage: Spinoza's
conception of the philosophic life, page 44
MICHIEL WIELEMA - Frans Hemsterhuis: a philosopher's
view of the history of the Dutch Republic, page 55
III The Arts
VAN BAAK GRIFFIOEN - The value of Gouden Eeuw
songbooks in the performance of seventeenth-century
Dutch music, page 64
GEOFFREY SIMMINS - Fernand Khnopff and Ver
sacrum, page 75
ROBERT SIEBELHOFF - Iets over de persoon Jan Toorop,
page 99
TSIHLIAS - Victor Horta: the Maison Tassel, the
sources of its development, page 108
IV Literature
WESTRA - Literary parody and the beast epic: Van
den vos Reinaerde, page 129
M. BEEKMAN - Junghuhn's perception of Javanese
nature, page 135
ALEXANDER ZWEERS - The antichristian views of
Marcellus Emants, page 146
BAKKER - "Fatherland" and "Mother tongue" in
Nijhoff's poetry, page 157
P. DIERICK - Stempelen and Doppen:
reflections of the economic crisis of the 1930's in
two representative novels of Holland and Belgium,
page 162
SCHOGT - Motives and impediments in describing war
memories, the tragedy of the Jews, page 171
MICHIELSEN - Coming to terms with the past and
searching for an identity: the treatment of the
occupied Netherlands in the fiction of Hermans,
Mulisch and Vestdijk, page 178
JOHANNA VANDERWAL TAYLOR - Bitter herbs, empty
houses, traps and false identities: the (post-)war
world of Marga Minco, page 184
HERMINA JOLDERSMA - Renate Rubinstein, an
introduction, page 190
D. KINGSTONE - Cees Nooteboom's Rituelen:
three characters in search of a sign, page 200
VAN DEN HOVEN - Mischa de Vreede's Het leven een
film (Life a movie), an analysis, page 208
NANCY CHADBURN - Kristien Hemmerechts' Brede
heupen and the social construction of woman,
page 214
V Language
ROBERT HOWELL - Notes on the rise of non-apical r
in Dutch: denying the French connection, page 222
WILLIAM H. FLETCHER - Come down with cholera!:
disease names in Dutch strong language, page 232