Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies
Revue canadienne d’études néerlandaises
ISSN 1924-9918 Volume 43. Issue 1 (2023)
Table of contents
From the interim editor-in-chief / De la part de la rédactrice intérimaire / Van de waarnemende redacteur i-vi
Ton Broos 1-20
Russian connections in the emblem book of Hermanus van den Burg (1682-1752)
Agathe Aranda 21-50
The five senses in the work of Jan Miense Molenaer: Parody, satire, and rhyparography
Brenda Assendelft 51-58
Verfransing onder de loep. Nederlands-Frans taalcontact (1500-1900) vanuit historisch-sociolinguïstisch perspectief
Reviewed by Ludo Beheydt
Matthew G. Stanard 59-63
The leopard, the lion, and the cock: Colonial memories and monuments in Belgium
Reviewed by Gregg French