Volume XXXI, ii – Fall/Automne 2010 Cover TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL⁄ DE LA RÉDACTION TANJA COLLET Heritage language use and maintenance: the case of second-generation Flemish Canadians in southwestern Ontario – 1 ELLEN KITTELL Traveling for atonement: civilly imposed pilgrimages in medieval Flanders – 21 TON BROOS The 18th-century Dutch Republic in modern Dutch novels – 38 JOCHAI ROSEN The soldier seen from behind: Pieter Potter and the migration of a motif – 45 Book Reviews BASIL KINGSTONE Jeroen Dewulf: Spirit of resistance: Dutch clandestine literature during the Nazi occupation – 65 GERRIT GERRITS Enne Koops : De dynamiek van een emigratiecultuur. De emigratie van gereformeerden, hervormden en katholieken naar Noord-Amerika in vergelijkend perspectief (1947-1963) – 67 Wim Jolles2023-11-21T21:01:27-05:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail