DAVID S. MOYER – From Student to Professor: The Academic Rites of Passage of Leiden University, page 1
NICOLAAS P. BADENHUIZEN – The Plantage Quarter in Amsterdam, Its Development and Importance for Science and Higher Education, page 13
RICK KLUMPENHOUWER – Dutch Archivists and the Development of Modern Archives, page 17
JAN VAN VOORST – Accomplishment Verbs in Dutch, page 37
ANDRE VERMEIRRE – Aspects de l’immigration néerlandophone au Canada, page 44
ADRIAN VAN DEN HOVEN – Adrien et Olivier de Leonhard Huizinga et le nouveau roman, page 85
REMKES KOOISTRA – Hugo Claus’ Het verdriet van België: Its Reception and its Themes, page 92
BASIL D. KINGSTONE – Gide and Teirlinck: the Fiction of Reality and the Reality of Fiction, page 99